Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Road MUST Haves!

Okay so this isn’t my regular ole catch y’all up on what’s going on in life blog.  As you’ve read, most of my blogs come to you from going down the road either with Tate or working.  I’ve learned while traveling I have some travel MUST haves and I want to share!

First… I really like to be nice and golden brown although I hate to tan and you really can’t get much sun through the windshield of a truck, I’ve tried!  So I have discovered a GREAT self-tanner… Origins (The Great Pretender)!  It’s awesome!!!  Just throw it on before bed then take a shower in the morning or whenever you get a chance, in my case.  It does NOT leave streaks and doesn’t smell awful like lots of other self-tanners.  You’ll be staying good and golden brown for days J

Second… Magic Wrinkle Releaser!  It’s seriously magic!!!  When you’re living out of a suitcase there really is no way of keeping your clothes from wrinkling.  I’ve tried rolling them and it doesn’t help with wrinkles or take up any less space while packing.  Just spray some Magic Wrinkle Releaser on what needs to be de-wrinkled and VIOLA its wrinkle free.  Although it might stretch your clothes out a little, I actually use it for shirts that are a little snug.  If you don’t want your clothes stretched out just put the ole blow dryer to them after spraying the releaser on and your clothes will look like they came fresh out of the dryer.  Plus it smells great and clean!!!

Third… BB Cream = Perfection!!!  For some reason boys think we can be ready in the small amount of time that it takes them to be ready… Not true!  It takes time and work to get the face on, fix the hair, and pick the perfect wardrobe.  Well, I’ve always been one to wear foundation; for one my face is ghostly white, two I look twelve without makeup, and three it just makes me feel prettier.  So I thought anything that might save me time not having to put a bunch of crap on my face would be great.  I found a great, much less expensive, BB Cream made by Loreal!  It’s much faster and blends better than foundation.  If I’m getting real dolled up I still wear foundation but on an everyday basis I throw some BB Cream on, eyeliner on the bottom, a little blush, and mascara.  It’s quick and easy and the boys no longer complain I’m taking forever!

Fourth… Can’t wash your hair, don’t have any water in the camper, can’t find a shower?  Whatever it might be.  We all know sometimes we either don’t want to wash our hair or just don’t have time.  People are spending sooo much money on dry shampoo now-a-days and all they truly need is some 97 cent baby powder or cornstarch from Wal-Mart.  Seriously, it works the same!  I prefer baby powder because cornstarch sometimes makes your hair feel funny.  Plus you’re hair smells good!  I have dark brown hair and it still works on mine… Promise!  Try it and you’ll save some $$$ and time…

Fifth… My go to clothing items while on the road are a good tank and a cardigan/sweater.  You can do so much with these two items! I seriously have a rainbow of tanks, most from Target, and they’re usually on sale for $5-$7.  I’m an Express junky so I get most of my cardigans and sweaters there.  Sometimes you just have those days where you don’t know what to wear, you hate your whole closet, or you just don’t feel like thinking about your wardrobe.  Well, a tank and cardigan is the magic fix!  You can go casual with jeans, a scarf, and a good pair of cowgirl boots or dress it up with some blingy jewelry and a pair of heels.  Seriously it’s effortless and always cute!

Sixth… Hats!!!  I love hats!  For two reasons; they’re awesome for bad hair days and they’re just another great accessory.  I ALWAYS pack a hat!  You never know when it’s going to rain or you’re going to just have a terrible hair day.  So many people say “oh I don’t look good in a hat” but, I doubt some have really tried to find the right hat.  There are so many different types and styles of hats everyone can find one for them J  I promise once you find a good hat that looks much better than a terrible hairdo, you’ll fall in love!

Seventh… Sweat Block!  Lol!  I know this might sound weird but I’ve discovered this amazing new stuff called Sweat Block.  It’s a lot of deodorant packed into a small little pad you rub under your arms once a week and the best part is, it works!  It’s amazing and takes up much less space in your travel bag than deodorant.  Plus I don’t know about y’all but I hate deodorant!  It doesn’t work for me and Sweat Block does.  I do make my own homemade deodorant which consists of coconut oil, baking soda, and tea tree oil.  I just haven’t got the consistency exactly right yet and it melts very easy if not kept in a cool place and as you can imagine the camper isn’t exactly cool at all times.  So I found Sweat Block, at Wal-Mart, on the very top shelf of the deodorant aisle.  I was worried because it does have a high amount of antiperspirant in it but don’t be alarmed people, antiperspirant does not cause cancer.  I just read a study about it in Self Magazine this week.  The study was conducted by doctors and was very reliable.  So go right ahead and block all the sweat you want!!!

Last… Packing advice!  I always try to pack as little as possible, even though I still ALWAYS over pack.  If I try or at least it looks like I try, maybe Tate won’t gripe about my packing.  Lol!  Shoes take up the most room so I try to pack as few pair as possible.  If it’s a weekend trip I’ll pack one pair of boots and make sure I have outfits to go with them on all days and I pack a pair of casual shoes.  I’ve learned to figure out full outfits before packing and bring things that you can wear more than once.  It will take up less room in your suitcase plus give you less headache when you’re trying to figure out what to wear.  It’s hard being a girl because we need shoes, layers of clothes, jewelry, makeup and sooo much more.  I have a small makeup case I take with me.  I’ll take my essentials and then a few different shades of eye shadows to lessen my makeup bag.  Always pack jewelry that can be mixed up and wore together.  Hair stuff seems to take up a lot of room.  I haven’t seemed to figure out how to shrink it up much.  I’ll take a straighter, a curling iron, a blow dryer, and hair spray.  Sorry, but I just cannot go without my big can of hairspray!  Those little ones I use to quickly and they cost so much for so little hairspray actually.  I love hairspray!  Lol!  They do say the bigger the hair, the closer you are to God J

Well, that’s a few things that I can think of that I love and need with me on the road at all times.  Plus a few tricks on how to pack better.  You might have heard them all before but maybe not!  Hopefully they’ll help you on your next excursion!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously going to have to try the baby powder! I had no clue that would work! I have very fine hair and very oily hair so I MUST wash everyday but when we are on the road I dont always get to and my hair gets nasty quick! Thanks for the advice :)
